Monitoring Health Status of Orchestrator Agent in Lazsa Platform

After you deploy the Lazsa Orchestrator Agent, you can check its provisioning status, connection status, and the available updates on Configuration > Lazsa Orchestrator Agents on the Lazsa Platform.

The Lazsa Orchestrator Agents screen provides the following information and options:

Provisioning status of Orchestrator Agent

Field Description
Name Name of the Lazsa Orchestrator Agent.
Cloud Provider

Whether the agent is installed on AWS or Azure.

See Installing Lazsa Orchestrator Agent in Amazon EKS Cluster

See Installing Lazsa Orchestrator Agent in Microsoft AKS Cluster by Using mTLS

Provisioning Status Whether the agent is provisioned or not.
Communication Method

The method that you use to establish communication between the Lazsa Orchestrator Agent and the Lazsa Platform .

For an agent deployed in an Amazon EKS cluster, the supported methods are AWS PrivateLink and mTLS.

For an agent deployed in an AKS cluster, the supported method is mTLS.

Last Heartbeat Status The connection status of the Lazsa Orchestrator Agent services.
Update Available

New version of the agent is available. To update the agent, click Update Available.

For more information, see Updating Lazsa Orchestrator Agent .

Test Connection Test the connection to know the health status of the agent.
Agent Configuration Settings

Configure the agent settings:

Agent Connection Polling Frequency - Set the frequency at which the platform receives the agent heartbeat.

Ellipsis (...)

After you click the ellipsis (...), the following options are available:

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What's next? Connecting to Tools by Using Lazsa Orchestrator Agent